Škola fudbala Asim Ferhatović Hase prestaje sa radom
04.05.2021 u 19:40h
Nakon današnjih sastanaka sa trenerima i roditeljima polaznika Škole fudbala “Asim Ferhatović Hase”, FK Sarajevo obavještava navijače i javnost da od mjeseca juna škola prestaje sa radom.
Nakon višemjesečne detaljne analize konstatovano je da kvaliteta rada Škole fudbala nije zadovoljavajuća, te da trenažni procesi omladinaca nisu na potrebnom nivou, što se svakako najbolje ogleda u broju priključenih igrača Akademiji i na kraju seniorskom timu u protekloj sezoni, koji je ispod prosjeka.
Dodatno, finansijskom analizom poslovanja Škole fudbala ustanovljeno je da škola nije samoodrživ projekat, te da gubici na godišnjem nivou uveliko otežavaju poslovanje kluba u teškoj ekonomskoj situaciji u Bosni i Hercegovini ali i svijetu.
Kao dio obavljenih analiza i strateškog plana, u proteklim mjesecima održan je niz sastanaka sa Školama fudbala iz Sarajeva u cilju umrežavanja, te ostvarenja partnerskih odnosa u budućnosti.
Roditeljima polaznika Škole fudbala Asim Ferhatović Hase prezentovane su najbolje alternative za nastavak trenažnog procesa dječaka.
Naime, sva djeca koja nastave trenažni proces u drugim Školama fudbala bit će pod stalnim i studioznim nadzorom Akademije FK Sarajevo, te će po potrebi biti priključeni selekcijama Akademije.
Fudbalski klub Sarajevo na ovaj način prati evropske standarde razvoja mladih igrača kroz podizanje nivoa razvijenosti omladinskog fudbala, te uspostavljanje partnerskih odnosa sa drugim sportskim organizacijama.
Najmlađa selekcija u okviru Omladinskog pogona FK Sarajevo sada je U-12, a od juna zvanični naziv bit će Akademija FK Sarajevo Asim Ferhatović Hase.
FK Sarajevo se ovim putem zahvaljuje svim dječacima koji su u proteklim godinama nosili bordo dres uz poruku da se nastave truditi i vrijedno raditi na treninzima, te da zauvijek ostaju dio bordo porodice.
Asim Ferhatovic Hase Football School stops working
After today's meeting with the staff (coaches) and parents of the players of the Football School "Asim Ferhatović Hase", FK Sarajevo informs the fans and the public that the school will stop working in June 2021.
After several months of detailed analysis, such has shown that the quality of work of Football School is not satisfactory, that the training processes of young people are not at the required level, which is certainly best reflected in the number of connected players of the Academy and at the end to the senior team.
In addition, the financial analysis of the School Football business has constitutionally established that the school is not a self-sustaining project and that the annual losses greatly complicate the operations of the association's difficult economic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world.
As part of the analysis and strategic plan, a series of meetings with Football schools from Sarajevo were held in recent months in order to network and establish partnerships in the future.
The parents of the students of the Asim Ferhatovic Hase Football School will be presented with options of alternatives to the Football Schools from Sarajevo with which we will have a partnership agreement.
Namely, all children who will be part of the training processes in other partners Football Schools will be under the constant and scouting and supervision of the FK Sarajevo, after such analysis may be called up by the Academy of FK Sarajevo.
In this way, Sarajevo Football Club follows the European standard of young players by raising the level of development of youth football, establishing partnerships with other clubs.
The youth team of FK Sarajevo continues to work within the Academy of FK Sarajevo, the youngest selection is U-12, and in June under the name of FK Sarajevo Asim Ferhatovic Hase Academy.
FK Sarajevo would like to thank all the boys who have worn a Maroon jersey in recent years with the message to continue to work hard to remain part of the Maroon family forever.