Navijači i javnost ponovo su imali priliku svjedočiti nizu nelogičnih sudijskih odluka, ovaj put u utakmici FK Tuzla City - FK Sarajevo odigranoj na stadionu Tušanj u okviru 29. kola m:tel Premijer lige Bosne i Hercegovine. Meč je završen rezultatom 1-1 što je vjerovatno i najrealniji ishod, a svi koji su gledali susret znaju da je uslijed niza, u najmanju ruku spornih odluka službenih lica, rezultat pao u drugi plan.
Dva najupečatljivija momenta utakmice su svakako direktni crveni karton za Oremuša u 49. minuti susreta nakon faula poput onih koje su igrači FK Tuzla City ponavljali tokom čitavog susreta bez iste sankcije, te prekršaj nad Hebibovićem u kaznenom prostoru u 84. minuti nakon kojeg nije dosuđen jedanaesterac.
Cilj FK Sarajevo svakako nije konstatovanje da bi bez isključenja Oremuša ili sa dosuđenom najstrožijom kaznom rezultat bio drugačiji, već isključivo da niz događaja koji se ponavljaju iz kola u kolo u okviru m:tel Premijer lige BiH, iz nekog razloga neprestano idu na štetu FK Sarajevo i nekolicine drugih klubova. Nekoliko predstavnika lokalnih, ali i regionalnih medija jasno je sugerisalo da se to radi u cilju favorizovanja jednog tima u aktuelnoj takmičarskoj sezoni.
FK Sarajevo ne planira dalje komentarisati stanje i osvojene bodove drugih klubova, već nastaviti intenzivno raditi na procesu unaprijeđenja rada kluba, kako na terenu, tako i u drugim segmentima. FK Sarajevo je svjestan činjenice da se već sada stanje u ligi nezvanično karakteriše kao “Calciopoli 2”.
Kao što je prethodno izjavljeno, FK Sarajevo neće biti nijemi posmatrač, te smo optimistični radi činjenice da će od sada nastavak lige biti pod stalnim monitoringom FIFA-e i UEFA-e u cilju zaštite integriteta takmičenja.
Pored toga, FK Sarajevo moli sve navijače da se pridruže i daju svoj doprinos. U slučaju da ste primjetili bilo kakve nepravilnosti, pozivamo vas da dostavite anonimnu prijavu putem platforme UEFA INTEGRITY ili FIFA Integrity aplikacije.
Once again several controversial referee decisions, from now on League under UEFA and FIFA supervision
The unusual events happening in Bosnian football continued again in the match yesterday between FK Tuzla City and FK Sarajevo. Whilst the match played out 1-1, in what was probably a fair result, this doesn't tell the entire story as there were a number of decisions that again appeared to be incorrect.
The two most notable events would be the straight red card for Oremus in the 49th minute; a challenge which several Tuzla City players themselves repeated (during the game and after) was not a red card offense, and then the failure to award a penalty to FK Sarajevo when Hebibovic was fouled in the penalty area in the 84th minute.
This is not to say that Oremus being on the pitch, or FK Sarajevo receiving a penalty, would necessarily have meant that FK Sarajevo would have won the game, however, this is the latest in a line of incidents that are taking place across the Bosnian leagues, that for some reason, appear to be consistently unfavorable towards FK Sarajevo and several other clubs. Some media outlets both here and internationally have suggested that all of these incidents are favoring one team in particular.
As FK Sarajevo we aren't particularly interested in other teams and we focus on what we can do to improve ourselves, both on and off the field, however, it is important that the integrity within football, and within the sporting competition as a whole, is maintained. FK Sarajevo understands that some media outlets are referring to this situation as 'Calciopoli 2'. We do not condone this, and we welcome the fact that both FIFA and UEFA are now paying attention to the situation in Bosnia, in order to ensure that the integrity of Bosnian football is not compromised by anyone in any way.
If you have noticed an irregularity or have any information with regards to match manipulation, please submit this information anonymously to the following platform UEFA INTEGRITY or via the FIFA Integrity application.
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